In this article, you will find out when disagio (percentage fee per postings) is charged for a posting.
Disagio is always charged for postings to integrated accounts. For postings to Own Accounts, disagio is only charged for postings that are processed by Komfortkasse.
If a posting could not be automatically assigned by Komfortkasse, the posting is manually reprocessed by Komfortkasse Support. This naturally incurs costs, which are compensated by the disagio. If no suitable order can be found by Support either, a notifications is sent to the merchant. (In this case, the fee amount is limited, see price overview for details)
To ensure that no fees are charged, the posting must not be processed by Komfortkasse, but ignored before processing.
Automatically ignored payments
Some payments are automatically ignored by the system:
- Payment service providers (e.g. PayPal, Klarna, etc.)
- Reimbursements from insurance companies
- Tax credits, public subsidies
Ignored originators
Recurring originators can be permanently ignored. If an originator is permanently ignored, no fees will be due for the current payment and all future payments from the originator. The IBAN or Your name of the originator can be ignored More Information...
Ignored payment purposes
On request, Komfortkasse Support can specify recognition patternsfor the purpose of use ("regular expression"). All payments with such an intended purpose are then automatically ignored. Useful e.g. for manual invoice number ranges or similar.
Ignore large amounts
In the Extended Settings, you can specify that payments above a certain amount are automatically ignored. More Information...
Option: Automatically ignore all payments
If these options are not sufficient, an additional option can be specified in the settings on request by Komfortkasse Support, which automatically ignores all payments that cannot be assigned automatically. This option is not recommended as no notifications about unassigned payments will be sent to the merchant. Postings for orders can be overlooked as a result.