This dialog shows details of the Debt collection process.
The table displays events and Status changes for the Debt collection process.
Events are, for example, communication with the customer, such as the sending of letters and e-mails or the execution of calls, or other measures taken by the Debt collection partner.
Status changes are subject to the status of a Debt collection process, e.g. when debt collection begins or legal debt collection is initiated.
The entries are transmitted directly by the Debt collection partners. If you have any questions about the meaning of individual entries, you can therefore also contact the Debt collection partner directly.
Open case
Click on the Open case link to open the Debt collection case in the Debt collection partner's web portal. You will receive the credentials when you first activate your account.
Depending on the Debt collection partner, the events and Status changes can be updated here. The update always takes place automatically and regularly in the background. Depending on the partner, updating is only possible in the background, in which case an Error message: is displayed.
Cancel debt collection
The debt collection can be canceled if a case is not to be pursued further. Cancellation is only possible if the case has not yet been canceled or paid. If the customer's payment has not been made to the Debt collection partner but directly to the merchant or to Komfortkasse, this payment is reported to the Debt collection partner. If Debt collection costs are still outstanding, these can be pursued by the Debt collection partner. If a paid case is to be canceled, contact the Debt collection partner directly.
(It is possible that costs may be incurred for a cancellation if action has already been taken by the Debt collection partner)