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Order status
An order in Komfortkasse can have the following statuses. The status can be viewed in the orders detail view.
The technical name of the order status is used in some exports or in the query via the Komfortkasse API.
Not paid
Technical name: UNPAID
An open order for which no payment has yet been received has the status Not paid. (This status is received by a new order that has been imported by the shop system)
Technical name: PAID
An order that has been paid in full receives the status Paid. (Even if more than the outstanding amount has been paid, i.e. in the case of an overpayment, the status is Paid).
An order can also be manually marked as paid.
Partially paid
Technical name: PAID_PARTIAL
If only a partial payment has been received, the order has the status Partially paid. (Even if a full payment has been received and the amount of the order is later adjusted so that the order is no longer fully paid, the order will still receive this status)
Technical name: CANCELLED
If an order has not been paid, it receives the status cancelled/overdue after a certain period of time. Orders on prepayment receive the status Canceled, invoice payments or Cash on delivery the status Overdue. From a technical point of view, this is identical.
An order can also be manually marked as cancelled/overdue.
Technical name: REFUNDED
If a full refund has been made for an order, it receives the status Refunded. (Even if several refunds have been made, the sum of which equals the order total, the status is refunded)
Refunded partial
Technical name: REFUNDED_PARTIAL
If a partial refund was made for an order, it receives the status Refunded partial.
Debt collection
Technical name: COLLECTION
Orders that have been transferred (automatically or manually) to Debt collection have the status Debt collection. If the collection is successful and the order has been paid, it changes to Paid status. More about Debt collection...
Not managed by Komfortkasse
Technical name: LEGACY
Orders that already exist in the shop system at the timestamp of the initial connection to the shop and are still open are marked in Komfortkasse with the status "Not managed by Komfortkasse". By default, no notifications (Payment information, Payment reminders, Pre-collection letters, etc.) are sent to the customer for these orders.
If one of these orders is to be managed in Komfortkasse, this can be executed in the order detail view.
Removed externally
Technical name: DISAPPEARED
If the status or payment type of an order is changed in the shop system, Komfortkasse checks whether the order is still "open" for Komfortkasse according to the specified status settings. If this is not the case, the order is marked as "Removed externally" in Komfortkasse. Orders in this status are no longer tracked in Komfortkasse, e.g. no payment reminders/Pre-collection letters are sent. If a payment is received for an "externally removed" order, the Payment status is not transferred to the shop system, instead a notification is sent to the merchant.
If an order is deleted in the shop system, it is also marked as "externally removed" in Komfortkasse.
The status can also be set if the connection to the shop has been deactivated or the shop is no longer available for technical reasons.
If the status or payment codes of an order are changed again in the shop system so that the order is "open" again for Komfortkasse, this is automatically recognized. The order then changes back to "Not paid" status in Komfortkasse. This recognition can take up to 24 hours.
Transfer status
The Transfer status represents the status of the transfer of the order status (Payment status) to the shop system.
No transfer necessary yet
Technical name: INITIAL
The order status has not yet been changed, so no transfer of the status to the shop system is necessary. (A new order that has been imported by the shop system receives this status)
Not transferred
Technical name: NOT_TRANSFERRED
The order status must be transferred to the shop system, the transfer has not yet been started
Technical name: TRANSFERRED
The order status was successfully transferred on to the shop system.
Error, will be tried again
Technical name: ERROR
The order status could not be transferred to the shop system. The cause may be a technical error or the status was changed manually in the shop system. The transfer will be tried again. After 7 days, the transfer is cancelled and a notification is sent to the merchant.
Technical name: CANCELLED
The transfer was canceled (see "Error, will be tried again").
No transfer necessary
Technical name: NO_TRANSFER
The order status (Payment status) has been changed, but no transfer necessary to the shop system. This occurs, for example, if the order has been Partially paid, but the shop system does not support the "Partially paid" status.
The status is also set if the Payment status is generally not transferred on Komfortkasse, e.g. when using Komfortkasse API v2 or Komfortkasse Checkout without a callback URL.