To make payment as quick and easy as possible, Komfortkasse offers payment by QR code.
The QR code is sent to the customer in the e-mail with the Payment information:
The code can be scanned with a mobile banking app. All the necessary parameters for the Bank Transfer are filled in automatically.
Note: payments with the "payment code link" of the OutBank app are no longer supported.
QR code in the SEPA area (EPC QR code, GiroCode)
The EPC QR code is used in the SEPA area. This is also known as GiroCode or BezahlCode.
This is how it works:
QR code in switzerland (QR-bill, Swiss QR code)
In Switzerland, the "Swiss QR Code" or QR-bill is used. The Swiss QR Code is sent by default as a QR Code in the Payment information if a switzerland account (also collective account) is used.
In the Extended Settings, you can choose to send a QR-bill instead of a payment slip.
If a QR-IBAN has been specified in the account details of the account, a QR reference can be generated. This must also be activated in the Extended Settings.