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As a rule, there is no direct communication between Komfortkasse and the end customer of the online shop. When Komfortkasse sends e-mails or letters to end customers, the merchant or the online shop is always specified as the sender. In the case of e-mails, the merchant's e-mail address is also used as the "Reply-To" address.

Should an end customer nevertheless send a direct inquiry about a transaction to Komfortkasse, Komfortkasse will point out to the end customer that communication must take place exclusively via the merchant or redirect the inquiry to the merchant. Excluded from this are simple inquiries and inquiries about returns of postings (recalls, Customer complaints).

Simple inquiries

If an end customer makes an inquiry about a transaction that was processed via Komfortkasse (e.g. postings or refunds), Komfortkasse can answer the inquiry directly. This is subject to the following typical cases, for example:

  • Inquiry as to whether a payment has been received
  • Inquiry as to whether a payment could be assigned to an order
  • Inquiry as to whether a refund has been initiated or executed
  • Entering Bank details for a refund

Inquiries about returns (Customer complaints)

If an end customer requests a refund of a paid amount directly from Komfortkasse, Komfortkasse redirects this request to the merchant as an automated Customer complaint. Komfortkasse does not offer any buyer protection here, but merely records the end customer's request and redirects it to the merchant. The end customer also receives confirmation that the request has been redirected.

The merchant can respond to the request and accept or reject the return. A rejection must be justified and will be validated by Komfortkasse. Valid reasons for a rejection are, for example, that the contract has already been fulfilled, which can be proven, for example, by a shipment number.

If no clear or comprehensible reason can be given, Komfortkasse will contact the merchant to clarify the matter. Komfortkasse will then inform the end customer of the merchant's decision as to whether the request has been accepted or rejected and the reasons for this.

If no answer is received from the merchant, Komfortkasse will send a reminder to the merchant several times. If there is no answer from the merchant within 30 days and after at least two reminders, the request is considered accepted and Komfortkasse will execute the return.

Recalls of a Bank Transfer by the End Customer's Bank

A special case of this request is a bank transfer recall by the end customer's bank. This case is only relevant when using an integrated Komfortkasse account .

The end customer instructs their account-holding bank to recall the Bank Transfer that has already been made. The bank then sends a corresponding request to the payee's account-holding bank. If it is an integrated account of Komfortkasse, Komfortkasse treats this request as a request for returns (see above).

Increased number of Customer complaints

For most merchants, Customer complaints or recalls never or only very rarely occur. These are usually based on misunderstandings or problems with the processing of orders and can be resolved quickly and easily.

If there are an increased number of Customer complaints, Komfortkasse will inform the merchant. If no solution can be found with the merchant to reduce the number of inquiries and the merchant receives more than one Customer complaint per month on a permanent basis, Komfortkasse may prohibit the use of the integrated account.