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Payment transactions

On 31.01.2020, the United Kingdom formally left the European Union. During the transition phase until 31.12.2020, all previous rules on payment transactions will continue to apply unchanged. From 01.01.2021, minor changes will be required for transactions with the United Kingdom.

This is subject to:

  • Withdrawals to merchant accounts in the UK
  • Direct debits from merchant accounts in the UK
  • Repayments to accounts of end customers in the UK

The UK will remain part of SEPA after 01.01.2021 (like e.g. currently switzerland). If fees are charged by our banking partners for Bank Transfers to the UK, these will be passed on.

Komfortkasse has implemented all the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition.

No further steps are required for Komfortkasse merchants.

The following measures have been implemented:

  • Indication of the BIC
    For transactions with the United Kingdom from 01.01.2021, the BIC is required in addition to the IBAN.

  • Indication of the address of the originator
    In accordance with the Money Transfers Regulation 2015/847, the originator's full address must be provided for transactions with the United Kingdom from 01.01.2021. Komfortkasse indicates the company address of Komfortkasse for withdrawals and repayments via integrated accounts.

The measures are subject to all IBANs starting with GB (Great Britain) and GI (Gibraltar).

Connection of Own Accounts via Salt Edge

Our partner Salt Edge, which was used to connect Bank accounts for some of our customers, is a payment service provider based in the UK. For this reason, connections via this partner will be deactivated on 31.12. and must be reconnected on 1.1.2021. The connection will then be reconnected via a European partner. Affected customers will be contacted directly by Komfortkasse Support.

No payments will be lost. Even if the connection is only connected a few days after 1 January, all payments will be imported from 1 January. The technical connection will continue to be made via Salt Edge, so there will be no technical or content-related changes to the interface. Salt Edge uses an EU-licensed partner internally to connect the connection.

Data protection

Komfortkasse transfers data to partners in the UK within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation. The necessary EU standard contractual clauses on the level of data protection have been concluded with the partners.

No further steps are required for Komfortkasse merchants.