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Own Bank account

If you use your own Bank account, postings are retrieved via a banking interface by one of our partners. More about the connection...

Most bank interfaces do not provide a unique identification number for a transaction. When retrieving transactions, Komfortkasse or the partner must therefore validate for each transaction whether the transaction already exists. This involves validating whether a transaction with the same data (e.g. date, originator, amount and purpose) already exists.

Changes to the interface by the bank may result in data being changed within a transaction. We and our partners have taken various measures to ensure that such changes are recognized as far as possible. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that a transaction is changed incompatibly by the bank. Such a change cannot then be recognized, which results in a transaction being imported twice.

Before, for example, a refund due to an overpayment is executed, it should therefore be checked directly with the bank whether the payment actually exists twice or whether it is a false duplicate.

Automatic removal of possible duplicates

As additional protection against false duplicates, automatic removal of duplicates can be activated for a Bank account. With this function, Komfortkasse automatically removes payments if several payments from the same originator with the same amount and purpose are transferred on the same days from the bank. The function can be activated by Komfortkasse Support.

Integrated account

Even when using an Integrated account, duplicates can occur in rare cases. In such a case, the transactions with errors must be corrected by Komfortkasse Support. If this is the case, corrections will be made and the merchant will be informed by Komfortkasse Support.