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In this article:

  • how Komfortkasse works in general
  • Setting up and establishing shop connection

How it works

Komfortkasse assigns postings to open orders. For this purpose, postings are imported from the bank and open orders are transferred from your shop system. (The open orders can also be transferred from a marketplace such as ebay, or an accounting or invoicing system such as Easybill)

Assignments can only be made if both the postings and the orders are available in Komfortkasse. This requires both a connection to the bank and a connection to the shop system.

Connection to the bank

There are two ways to use bank accounts in Komfortkasse:

Any number of accounts can be connected. Integrated and own accounts can also be combined. More about the combination of accounts and the assignment to countries and shops...

Connection to the shop system

To be able to retrieve orders from the shop system, a connection to the shop must be established. The technical details differ depending on the shop system. Some store systems require the installation of a plugin or API access must be set up. More about the procedure per shop system...


For most store systems, in addition to the technical settings for access (e.g. username, API key, etc.), settings for payment methods and order status must also be specified. Useful default settings are specified for these settings, but they may need to be adjusted.

Depending on the shop system, the settings must be made directly in the Komfortkasse merchant area or in the shop system in the settings of the Komfortkasse plugin.

Komfortkasse supports the management of payments via prepayment, invoice and cash on delivery. These basic payment codes are represented by specific payment methods in every shop system. The specific payment methods used for each payment code must therefore be specified for Komfortkasse. Several payment methods can also be specified (e.g. separate payment methods for "B2B invoice" and "B2C invoice", both of which are assigned to the invoice payment type in Komfortkasse).

Komfortkasse does not create new payment methods in the shop system. The payment methods already existing in the shop are used. If a payment method does not yet exist in the shop or has not yet been enabled, it must be added or enabled directly in the shop system.

Komfortkasse reads open orders from the shop system. To do this, you must define which order status should be recognized as "open" in the shop system for Komfortkasse. For prepayment orders, this is usually a status such as "open" or "payment pending". For orders on invoice or cash on delivery, this can be a status such as "Dispatched".

If a payment is received and assigned to an open order by Komfortkasse, this order is marked as "paid" in Komfortkasse. So that the order can also be marked as "paid" in the shop system, you must define which order status in the shop system corresponds to the status "paid". For prepayment orders, for example, this can also be the status "Ready for shipping".

Other order statuses are also defined, e.g. if an order is cancelled by Komfortkasse or marked as overdue, or has been transferred to debt collection.

Initial connection to the shop system

When the connection is established for the first time, Komfortkasse distinguishes between orders that already exist in the shop system at this time and orders that are created new from this timestamp.

Orders that are created from this timestamp onwards are managed in Komfortkasse. For these orders, an incoming payment is expected on the account set up in Komfortkasse and all settings for sending payment information, payment reminders, pre-collection letters, etc. apply.

Orders that already exist in the system at the timestamp of the initial connection and are still open are marked in Komfortkasse with the status "Not managed by Komfortkasse". By default, no notifications (payment information, payment reminders, pre-collection letters, etc.) are sent to the customer for these orders.

(Orders that already exist in the system at the timestamp of the initial connection and are no longer open are not transferred to Komfortkasse)

Transfer of orders from the shop system

If payment information is sent by Komfortkasse, every new order must be transferred on to Komfortkasse immediately. This is usually executed by the Komfortkasse plugin for the respective shop system. The order information is transferred to Komfortkasse immediately after the order is completed. (Next information such as invoice number and invoice PDF may be transferred with a delay).

In addition to the immediate transfer, a comparison of all new orders takes place approximately every 30 minutes. In this way, orders are transferred for which no payment information needs to be sent (e.g. cash on delivery orders or if payment information is not sent via Komfortkasse).

If immediate transfer is not possible (e.g. if the Komfortkasse plugin is not installed), but payment information is sent by Komfortkasse, the shop is queried by Komfortkasse for new orders approximately every three minutes. This creates a high load on the shop system and is therefore not recommended.

More about sending payment information...

Changing an order in the shop system

If an order is changed in the shop system, these changes are usually not transferred to Komfortkasse in real time. This is not normally necessary. Instead, all orders are compared once or twice daily. Changes to orders are also transferred on this occasion if they are relevant for Komfortkasse.

If the content of an order is changed, e.g. name, address, etc., the changes are saved in Komfortkasse. If the e-mail address of an order is changed and the payment information is sent by Komfortkasse, the payment information is sent again. If the amount of the order is changed (or e.g. a partial credit note is entered in the shop and the total amount changes as a result) and the payment information is used by Komfortkasse, new payment information is also sent with the note that the amount has changed.

If the status or payment type of the order is changed, Komfortkasse checks whether the order is still "open" for Komfortkasse according to the specified status settings. If this is not the case, the order is marked as "removed externally" in Komfortkasse. Orders in this status are not followed up in Komfortkasse, e.g. no payment reminders/pre-collection letters are sent. If a payment is received for an "externally removed" order, the payment status is not transferred to the shop system, instead a notification is sent to the dealer. More about possible order statuses...

If an order is deleted in the shop system, it is also marked as "removed externally" in Komfortkasse.

Transfer of the order status to the shop system

When a payment is received, the specified order status for paid orders is transferred to the shop system. If this fails (e.g. due to a technical error), the transfer will continue to be attempted for 7 days. After expiry, a notification is sent to the dealer that the status could not be transferred.