General information
The payment information, in particular the bank details and purpose text, can be sent to the end customer either directly by the online shop or via Komfortkasse.
If the payment information is sent by Komfortkasse, an optimized, short purpose text is created automatically: the Komfortkasse reference number. This reference number is optimized to avoid errors. It contains a checksum to rule out errors when typing. Frequent sources of error are also avoided by not using a "0" (zero) (this is often confused with the letter "O") and by not repeating numbers.
Alternatively, the order number or invoice number can also be used as the purpose text (see Extended settings).
The Komfortkasse assignment guarantee only applies when the reference number is used.
The design of e-mails to the end customer can be customized. For next information, see Colors and styles and Shop.
Automatic selection of the bank account
If bank accounts in different currencies or countries are specified, Komfortkasse automatically selects the appropriate bank account for sending payment information. For example, if a bank account is specified in Germany and one in Switzerland, Swiss customers will automatically receive the Swiss bank account in the payment information. (The country is selected based on the billing address from the order)
Help for filling out payment slips
The payment information also contains a form for a payment slip (bank transfer form), which can be used to easily execute a paper-based payment. The form is also country-specific and available for the following countries:
- Germany (bank transfer form)
- Austria (payment slip)
- Switzerland (payment slip ES or ESR)
The various templates can be tested here.
QR code
The payment information contains a QR code with which the bank transfer can be executed automatically and error-free. More about the QR code...
The language of the e-mails to the end customer is also automatically read from the order. The following languages are currently supported:
- English (is also used if the selected language is not available)
- German
- French
- Italian
- Dutch
- Polish
- Finnish
- Spanish
- Danish
- Portuguese
If an additional language is required, you can translate it yourself or order it for a fee (per language, from EUR 19). For more information, please contact Komfortkasse Support.