Komfortkasse offers integrated accounts with selected partner banks.
Countries and currencies
Komfortkasse offers integrated accounts in:
- Germany (EUR)
- Austria (EUR)
- Switzerland (EUR and CHF)
(The account in Austria can only be used together with the account in Germany)
Partner banks
The account is currently managed by these banks:
- Sutor Bank, Germany
- Erste Bank / Tiroler Sparkasse, Austria
- PostFinance, Switzerland
How it works
When using integrated accounts, the end customer pays the amount due into the integrated account. Komfortkasse acts as a trustee here. The collected balance is then paid out to the merchant's account (after fees have been deducted).
The integrated accounts are collective trust accounts that are used by several merchants. Each transaction on an integrated account must be able to be assigned to an order ("underlying transaction"). If a payment cannot be assigned automatically, a notification is sent to the merchant. If this notification is not processed and no assignment is made, we are legally obliged to return the payments to the sender.
Bank details
If payment information is sent to the end customer by the online shop (not by Komfortkasse), the bank details of the bank account can be displayed in the Accounts menu item.
There are no additional transaction fees for transactions on integrated accounts. Depending on the country, there are monthly fees for using the integrated account, see komfortkasse.eu/prices.