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Komfortkasse offers integrated, free debt collection.

General information

Komfortkasse can automatically transfer unpaid invoices to a collection agency. All the necessary information such as the debtor's name and address, item, invoice date, amount etc. is transferred automatically. Manual intervention is not necessary. The current status and progress of the debt collection case can be viewed directly in the Komfortkasse merchant area in the Detail view orders in the Collection details dialog dialog. Further details can be viewed via the web interface of the debt collection partner.


The integrated, free debt collection is available for all Komfortkasse merchants. (For merchants based outside the EU, activation is possible on request)

Debt collection cases can be transferred for debtors in the following countries:

  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • Liechtenstein

Other countries can be activated by Komfortkasse Support on request (from at least 50 cases per month and country):

  • The Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Poland
  • Bulgaria
  • Luxembourg
  • Great Britain *
  • Ireland *
  • Italy *
  • Czech Republic *
  • Slovakia *
  • Romania *
  • Hungary *
  • Denmark *
  • Norway *
  • Sweden *
  • Finland *
  • Estonia *
  • Latvia *
  • Lithuania *
  • Spain *
  • Portugal *

* Success commission possible


Debt collection can be enabled directly in the Komfortkasse merchant area under the menu item Settings - Debt collection.

Debt collection partners

Our partner collection agencies:

  • PAIR Finance
  • ecollect

The debt collection partners specialize in the collection of eCommerce cases and use channels such as WhatsApp or social networks to contact the debtor in addition to traditional debt collection measures.

The appropriate debt collection partner is selected and activated during the initial setup. (If several debt collection partners are active, Komfortkasse automatically decides which partner to transfer a case to (e.g. based on the debtor's country of residence).

An interface to an existing debt collection agency (e.g. Creditreform) can also be set up on request. The setup may be subject to a charge depending on the effort involved.


Executing debt collection is normally free of charge* for the merchant. All debt collection fees are borne by the debtor in accordance with local legal options.


  1. Debtors outside the above-mentioned countries are subject to a fee. (This function must be explicitly activated beforehand)
  2. Costs may be incurred in the event of premature termination or discontinuation of debt collection by the merchant. These will be communicated in advance by the debt collection partner.
  3. If previously uncollectible amounts are subsequently recovered in the course of the monitoring procedure or post-court debt collection, the debt collection partner will receive a success commission.

Details can be found in the terms and conditions of the respective debt collection partner.

Interest on arrears

Interest on arrears is charged directly by the debt collection partner and retained by them.

Reminder fees

If pre-collection letters have been sent by Komfortkasse, the reminder fees charged will be retained by Komfortkasse. Reminder fees are intended to cover the costs of the dunning process. As the dunning process was executed by Komfortkasse in this case, the reminder fees are also retained by Komfortkasse. This enables us to offer the debt collection function free of charge.

Billing takes place retrospectively. You will receive the full amount paid out by the collection agency, the reminder fees contained therein will be settled with the next Komfortkasse invoice as "Reminder fees (debt collection)".

Transfer of debt collection cases

The transfer of debt collection cases can be fully automatic or manual.

Fully automatic transfer

For a fully automatic transfer, the following must be set in the Settings for payments on invoice to specify a period in days after which an overdue order is automatically transferred to the collection agency. When the period has expired, a case is automatically created with the debt collection partner. The merchant receives a notification about this.

(Existing overdue orders from the last three months are also automatically transferred when the fully automatic transfer is transferred for the first time)

Manual transfer

In the Orders list list, you can filter for overdue orders with the invoice payment type. The orders can then be displayed in the Detail view manually to the debt collection partner,

Current status

The current status of the debt collection case and current measures taken by the debt collection partner (contacts, etc.) can be viewed directly in the Komfortkasse merchant area in the Detail view orders in the Collection details dialog dialog. The debt collection partner's web portal can be accessed via a link. Further details can be viewed there.

Notification of direct payments

If a payment is received directly by the merchant (or, in the case of Komfortkasse, in an integrated account) for an order in debt collection, the payment is automatically reported to the debt collection partner. (If debt collection fees are still outstanding, these can be processed by the debt collection partner)

Partial payments or payments without reminder fees or interest on arrears

If a debtor makes a partial payment (or, for example, pays the full amount but without reminder fees, interest on arrears or debt collection fees), the debt collection partner will continue to collect the remaining amount from the debtor. In most cases, the agreement between the merchant and the debt collection partner stipulates that the debt collection partner can decide to discontinue debt collection for small open amounts. In such a case, the debt collection partner would retain the fees to which it is entitled until the debtor has also paid these.


A transfer is only possible if the principal claim (or part of it) is still outstanding. Cases in which the principal claim has already been paid but ancillary costs (e.g. reminder fees) are still outstanding cannot be transferred.