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With Komfortkasse, refunds can be executed fully automatically without any manual intervention. Refunds can be created manually in the Komfortkasse merchant area or transferred directly from the shop system (depending on the shop system).

Refunds are possible with both a separate account and an integrated account. In order to be able to execute refunds, identification must be completed.


If a postings has already been assigned to an order, the refunds can be entered directly from the order detail view. The amount can be adjusted and refunds can also be made for a partial amount. If an incoming payment has not yet been assigned to an order, the refund can be entered from the detail view of incoming payments.


If the corresponding notification is active, the end customer receives a message about the upcoming refunds. The e-mail contains a link that can be used to confirm or change the bank details, e.g. if the customer has new bank details in the meantime. Even if no bank details are known (e.g. in the case of a cash deposit or foreign payment), the customer is automatically asked for bank details. If bank details are available, but Komfortkasse recognizes that it is an internal bank account (also sometimes the case for cash deposits or foreign payments) or the bank details of a shipping service provider for cash on delivery, the customer will also be asked for the bank details.

Waiting period

By default, bank transfers are scheduled for 7 days in the future. During this time, the customer can confirm or change the bank details. If the bank details are confirmed, the bank transfer is executed immediately. The waiting period can be changed in the extended settings.

Maximum amount

For security reasons, the amount for a refund is limited. The maximum amount that can be transferred back is twice the amount of the order. (If the amount paid is higher than twice the order amount, the maximum amount that can be returned is the amount paid)

If the refund is made for a postings that has not yet been assigned to an order, the maximum amount that can be returned is the payment amount.

If the refund is made from the shop system, it can also be specified in the settings that a refund is only allowed if a paid amount is available. If this setting is enabled, the maximum amount that can be returned is the amount paid.


If the customer's bank details are not valid (or the account has been closed) and the customer's bank reverses the bank transfer, the customer is automatically informed and asked for valid bank details. This can be changed in the extended settings.

Execution for integrated and own account

If an integrated account is used, the refunds are executed directly from the integrated account and the amount is deducted from the balance.

In order to be able to execute refunds fully automatically without the merchant's approval even when using an own account, the collected amount of all refunds due is collected from the merchant's account by direct debit and then transferred to the end customer by Komfortkasse. A bank transfer directly from the merchant's account is not possible. By default, direct debits are executed once a week free of charge. An interval of 2x per week, daily or instant (for each refund individually) can also be specified in the extended settings. Fees are charged per direct debit according to the price overview

Terms: return, refund and chargeback

All three terms describe a bank transfer back to the originator or end customer.

We speak of a return transfer when a payment has been returned directly to the originator without being assigned to an order (e.g. if a payment could not be assigned to an order).

A refund is a refund after a payment has already been assigned (e.g. if the customer returns the goods). A refund can also be a partial amount.

A chargeback (recall) is executed directly by the bank, e.g. if a bank transfer was executed twice due to a technical error.