Komfortkasse has three menus: Main menu, user menu and actions menu.
Main menu
The main menu (often just called the menu or navigation ) is located on the left under the Komfortkasse logo.
The main menu can be used to open all applications and views in Komfortkasse that are required for daily work - e.g. orders, postings, refunds and settings.
In the mobile view, the main menu is opened via the menu icon at the top left:
User menu
Click on the Merchant name at the top right to open the user menu. This is opened by clicking on the name or login. (The gravatar for the specified E-mail address is used as the image or symbol)
The merchant's master data and other administrative content that is not required for daily work can be accessed via the user menu.
Also in the user menu: Changing the display language (german/ english), switching light/dark design , Logout (Opt out).
In the mobile view, the user menu is located below the main menu:
Actions menu
The actions menu is located in the navigation bar on the far right. This is opened by clicking on the icon with the three horizontal lines ≡.
The actions menu contains various actions depending on the application and open data record. The actions menu is not available in every application.