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The texts for end customers can be customized here. The texts are used in e-mails and letters to end customers as well as in input masks (e.g. for "Upload proof of payment").


To change to texts, e.g. in an e-mails, the corresponding text module must first be found. This can be done using the "Text" search field, for example. Please note that a long text or even a sentence can be made up of several text modules.


The filter can be used to filter/search texts and customize the display:

  • Language: the texts are adapted in this language
  • Additional languages: these languages are also displayed as columns, but cannot be edited. This is useful for translations, for example.
  • Text: searches for specific texts
  • Show original: displays the original text in a column next to the adapted text
  • show only adapted texts: only texts for which an adaptation has been specified are displayed

Results area

The texts are displayed in the results area and can be changed by clicking on the Edit icon.

Click on the Reset to default icon to delete the customized texts and replace them with the original text.


No HTML code can be used in the text. However, texts can be displayed in bold by enclosing them with the days *b* and */b*. Example: This text is *b*bold*/b*.


In some texts, a placeholder with the syntax {PLATZHALTER} is used, which is replaced by the system with a specific term. Placeholders are used for country-specific terms, for example, the payment slip for a cash deposit is referred to as a bank transfer form in Germany, but as a payment slip in Austria . The placeholder must also be included in the customized texts.


A preview of each notifications can be displayed in the actions menu ≡:

The View e-mails action can be used to display a preview of the e-mails as they would be used to the customer. A test e-mail can also be sent.

Test letter creation actions can be used to generate a preview of letters that have been sent. No fees are charged for the preview.