User settings can be made in the detail view.
General settings
Your name
You can optionally enter a description for the user.
The user's default language is specified here; this is used, for example, for notifications that are sent to the user. (The current display language can be changed to a divergent language via the profile menu)
The notifications that are sent to the user are specified here. A notification can be specified for any number of users. If a notification is not specified for any user, it is sent to the administrator user.
Here you can define which areas of Komfortkasse the user can view. Read or write permissions can be assigned for many areas. If, for example, only read rights are assigned for an order, the user can open, view or export orders, but cannot make any changes to orders.
The username is assigned when the user is created and cannot be changed.
To change the password, a link must be sent to the specified E-mail address. The password can then be changed by opening the link.
E-mail address
The user's e-mail address can be changed here. If the e-mail address of the user currently logged in is changed, the change is not saved immediately. Instead, a link is sent to the previously specified E-mail address, which must be used to confirm the change. (Please contact Komfortkasse Support if the previously used e-mail address no longer exists or you no longer have access to it)
Last login
The last time the user logged in to the Komfortkasse merchant area is displayed.
Deactivate user
A user can be deactivated with this action. A deactivated user cannot log in and does not receive notifications.
Examples of permissions
Assign payments: Write permissions required for orders and postings