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Different information and actions are displayed depending on the type of account (Own bank account or Integrated account). Different actions are also displayed depending on whether there is a successful connection to the account.

Assignment of countries/currencies

If several accounts are specified, these can be used to send Payment information for different countries. For example, an account in Switzerland can be used to send Payment information for Swiss customers and an account in Germany for all other customers.

(The integrated account in Austria can only be used for sending Payment information to Austria. Another account must be used to send Payment information to other countries)

The assignment can be changed using the Change assignment of countries/currencies action in the ≡ actions menu.

Assignment of shops

If multiple accounts and multiple shops are specified, the accounts can be assigned to the shops. This can also be combined with the country assignment.

The assignment can be changed using the Change shops assignment actions in the actions menu.

Show Bank details

If Payment information is sent to the end customer by the online shop (not by Komfortkasse) for an integrated account, the Bank details canbe displayed with the Show bank details action in the actions menu . This also shows which name should be displayed as the payee.


For an integrated account, the balance available for withdrawalalsis displayed. The Download Balance confirmation actionin the actions menu can be used to download a confirmation of the balance on a specific date in PDF format.


A payout account is specified for an integrated account. To specify a payout account for the first time , theactions menu Enter Bank details is used. If Bank details are already specified, they can be changed using the Change payout account action.

First, the location of the Bank account (EU/SEPA, switzerland or Other country) must be specified. The Bank details of the account can then be entered. For international bank details ("Other country"), it is sufficient to enter the IBAN or Account number in addition to the BIC.

The currency of the payout account must also be specified. This may be divergent from the currency of the integrated account. If this is the case, a conversion into the target currency takes place before the withdrawalals are made. Automatic routing may also take place.

If it is a payout account in the SEPA area or switzerland, it is required to set up a Direct debit mandate to confirm the payout account. This is used to execute refunds.

Automatic withdrawals can be created automatically (see Withdrawals) or executed manually. If a withdrawal is to be created manually, the action Withdraw money in the actions menu ≡ can be used. Manual withdrawals can also be created in the Withdrawals menu.


To execute refunds from your own accounts, a Direct debit mandate must be specified (see Refunds). Normally, the same Bank account that is used for withdrawals is used for this. However, an alternative account can also be specified for Direct debits.

To do this, the payout account must first be specified (and the Direct debit mandate granted for this account). A new account can then be specified via the Change direct debit account action in the actions menuand the Direct debit mandate created for this account.

Once the mandate has been created, it must be confirmed by e-mail. Only after confirmation is the mandate active and refunds can be processed. (For Direct debits in Switzerland, the mandate must be signed and returned to Komfortkasse Support and confirmed by Komfortkasse Support)

The Direct debit mandate can be downloaded as a PDF file with the actions Download Direct debit mandate.

Connection to the account

For an Own bank account, the status of the connection to the account is displayed under Connection. Depending on the type of connection, various actions are available in the actions menu ≡:

  • If there is no connection yet, it can be connected with the action Connect.
  • If a connection already exists, synchronization with the account (retrieval of postings) can be started with Synchronize now . The actions Edit credentials can be used to save the specified credentials again. This action can also be used if Synchronize now leads to an error.
  • If a connection exists, it can be temporarily deactivated with the Disable connectionaction and reconnected with the Reconnect action .
  • Theactions Disconnect connection and Delete connection data can beused to completely remove the connection to the bank. If the Connect action is then executed, all necessary data (e.g. Access consent, etc.) is recreated. This action can be used, for example, if unclear errors occur when connecting to the bank.

Access consent

If the account is connected via an Access consent, the validity is displayed. If the access consent has not been granted or has expired, it can be granted with the action Grant access consent in the actions menu ≡.If the Access consent is still valid, it canbe extendedwith the action Extend Access consent . (This is not possible with some banks. In this case, you must wait until the Access consent has expired and then grant it again)

Consent to Use of data

Depending on the connection to the account, it may be required to give consent to the Use of data. This canbe revoked using the Revoke consent to Use of data action in the actions menu. The actions Check consent to Use of data can be used to validate the consent.

Remove account

The account can be removed with the Remove account action in the actions menu. If there are no postings yet, the account can be deleted completely. If postings already exist, the account can be deactivated.

Adding a new account

A new account can be added with the action Add account in the actions menuMore Information...