Withdrawals are only available if an integrated account is used and identification has been completed.
All information about a withdrawal is displayed in the detail view.
Transactions since withdrawal
In the Transactions since withdrawals section, the transactions since the last withdrawal are displayed as well as the balance before and after the withdrawal.
However, a withdrawal is not linked to postings and other transactions, but is an independent transaction on the Merchant account. There is therefore no link between, for example, a posting and a withdrawal.
Differences between the booking and value date or subsequent changes or corrections may mean that the amount of the withdrawal does not match the total of the transactions. (In such constellations, the balance of the merchant account may also show a negative balance at a certain timestamp)
See also our recommendation on accounting for integrated accounts.
All e-mails sent for the withdrawalals are listed here. The content of the e-mail can be opened by clicking on the subject. (Only e-mails sent within the last 36 months are displayed)
Depending on the status of the withdrawal, various actions can be carried outin the actions menu ≡:
If the withdrawalals have not yet been sent to the bank, they can be canceled.
Download Excel file
This action can be used to download the transaction overview for the selected withdrawal in Excel format. This contains the transactions that are displayed in the Transactions since withdrawal section.