If multiple shops are used, separate settings can be created for each shop, which overwrite the general settings.
Payment information for prepayment
Here you can specify whether Payment information (and Payment reminders) should be sent to the customer immediately or only when an Invoice number is also available for the order.
Resend payment info after
Optionally, you can specify that the Payment information is to be sent to the customer again. This is not a payment reminder.
Number of reminders
The desired Number of reminders is defined here.
Send via letter post
Payment information, invoices or payment reminders can optionally be sent to customers via letter. More about sending letters...
First payment reminder after
Here you can define when (after how many days) the first payment reminder is sent to the customer. The reference date is the order date. If an invoice has been read, the reference date is the Invoice date.
Interval between further reminders
If more than one payment reminder is sent, the interval of the payment reminders can be specified here. The number of days after the previous payment reminders is specified in each case.
Cancel unpaid orders after
The number of days after which an order is automatically canceled is defined here.
If a payment is subsequently received for a cancelled order, it can still be assigned.
Due date (Payable until) for customer e-mails
An optional number of days can be specified here, which is displayed in the Payment information to the customer. This is displayed as a date in the Payment information ("Payable until 05.11.2022"). This date is for display purposes only and has no influence on the sending of payment reminders.
Due date (Payable until) for payment reminders
If a "Due date (Payable until) for customer e-mails" is specified, a divergent Payable until date can also be specified, which is used for payment reminders. In the Extended Settings , you can specify whether this date is calculated from the order date or always from the current date (or the date of the payment reminders). If "0" is entered, the date is not displayed in payment reminders.
Note: From a legal point of view, it may be harmful to enter a "Payable until" date in a payment reminder, as this may be used to argue a payment deferral. Doing so is therefore not recommended.
In the case of payments for cancelled orders
If a payment is received for an order that has already been cancelled, normally only a notifications is sent to the merchant. The behavior can be changed here so that the order is treated as if it had not been cancelled. Payment status is then transferred on to the store.
Delay for monitoring (hours)
If the monitoring of other payment codes is used, the delay can be specified here. Orders with the specified payment codes for monitoring are then imported into Komfortkasse after the specified number of hours if they are still open. More about monitoring other payment codes...