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All shops created in Komfortkasse are listed in the Shops submenu. A connection to a marketplace (e.g. eBay, hood, Ricardo) or a connection to accounting or invoices software (e.g. Debitoor, Easybill) is also considered a shop.

For a general introduction to the functionality, see also Shop setup and connection.

Shop system and URL

The shop system can be selected and the URL specified in the top section. For some systems, such as eBay, the possible URLs are fixed and can not be changed.

If the shop system is changed, the URL is reset and must be specified again.


Current information about the connection is displayed in the Status area.

The following values can be displayed as the status:

  • Not connected: Connection has not yet been connected
  • Connection connected: Connection has been connected and is active
  • Connection established - error: The connection has been established but is currently not possible due to errors. When the connection is working again without errors, the status changes to "Connection connected". If the connection cannot be reconnected for too long a period, it is deactivated.
  • Disabled: Connection has been deactivated
  • Deregistered: Connection is permanently deactivated and cannot be reconnected

If errors occur when connecting to the store, these are displayed under Errors.

The current encryption method is displayed under Encryption, normally HTTPS. (For store systems that do not support HTTPS, OpenSSL encryption can also be used. This option is not recommended)

The timestamp at which an order was last transferred on to Komfortkasse is displayed under Last order imported.

Last store update shows the last time a payment status was transferred on to the store.

Type (productive system or test/development system)

Under Type, you can select whether the store is a productive system or a test/development system (staging system). The only difference between the two variants is that no payments are expected for orders from a test/development system. Incoming payments are therefore not automatically assigned to orders from a test/development system.

E-mails are also sent for a test/development system . If this is not desired, you can create your own settings for the test/development system and deactivate notifications to customers there.


Depending on the shop system and status,the followingactions are availablein the actions menu ≡: 

(Re)establish connection

The connection to the shop system is established. The technical details in the background differ depending on the shop system. Basically, keys are exchanged between Komfortkasse and the store, which enable further communication. Once the connection to the shop system has been connected, orders can be transferred to Komfortkasse and the Payment status can be transferred on to the shop system.

Disable connection

Once the connection has been connected, it can be deactivated with this action. There is then no more communication with the store (i.e. no more orders are transferred and no payment status is updated). If the connection has been deactivated, it can be reconnected at any time. Orders that were received while the connection was deactivated are subsequently imported (for a maximum of 30 days).

Test connection

The connection to the store and the encryption used are tested.

Re-initialize encryption

The keys required for communication are exchanged again. This action can be used if a store has been switched from HTTP to HTTPS or if problems occur after the store has technically moved to a new server.

Import orders

Orders are automatically imported periodically by the shop when the connection is established. Orders can also be imported manually with this action.

Execute update

The Payment status of orders is automatically transferred to the store in the background. This takes place at the selected update timestamp (see Shop settings: General settings). The transfer can also be triggered manually with this action.

Add additional store

This actions specifies a new, additional store in the Merchant account.

Remove this store

If a store was created by mistake or for test purposes, it can be removed again. If orders already exist, a store can no longer be removed. In this case, the orders can possibly be deleted by Komfortkasse Support if they are only test orders, for example. If payments have already been assigned to the shop or to orders from the shop, the shop can normally no longer be removed.


If multiple shops are used, separate settings can be created for each shop, which overwrite the general settings. These are also referred to as "Shop-specific settings".

If custom settings have been created for a shop, these can be accessed via the Show settings link. (You can delete your own settings in the Settings menu).

If no custom settings have been created, you can create your own settings for the shop by clicking Activate seperate settings.

Settings for API access

This area is only displayed if API settings can be made for the selected shop system. For details, see the respective shop system.

For monitoring, see Monitoring of other payment codes (e.g. PayPal, credit card).

E-mails settings

If Komfortkasse sends notifications to customers (e.g. Payment information), some settings can be made here.

Shop name: The name that is used towards customers is specified here (e.g. "Your order with ..."). (This name can also be used as the payee, see Extended Settings)

E-mail address: This e-mail address is used as the sender address for notifications to customers. The status for DKIM, SPF and DMARC is also displayed here. If changes have been made in the DNS, these can be read out again by clicking "Refresh". More about e-mails, DKIM and SPF...

Header image: The store logo is specified here. This is used in notifications (and letters) to customers. Further settings for the design can be made under Settings: Colors and Styles.

Language: The language of notifications to customers is automatically determined from the Order data by default. Alternatively, a fixed language can be specified here.

Order label: If the order should not be called an "order" due to the type of store, an alternative name can be selected here (e.g. "booking" for travel or event portals).

Products sold: Select here whether only physical or also digital/other goods are sold in the store. This changes some texts in the e-mails. If only physical goods are sold, when sending Payment information for the "Invoice" payment type, for example, the customer is informed that the amount is not to be paid until the goods have been received.