All orders in Komfortkasse are displayed here.
The filter can be used to filter orders by:
- Type (Prepayment, Invoice, Cash on delivery, Other)
- Shop (only if multiple shops are connected)
- Status
- Date range
- Text (Order number, Invoice number, Name and E-mail address of the customer are searched)
Results area
The results of the search are shown in the results area. Click on a line to open the detail view.
Exporting data
The currently filtered results can be exported using the "Export data" button. Further information...
New orders
In addition to the orders transferred automatically from the shop, an order can be added manually with the action Create new order manually in the actions menu ≡ . Orders created manually are not synchronized with the shop. If a payment is received for a manual order, the Payment status is not sent to the shop, only a notification is sent.
Importing orders from the shop system
All relevant orders are automatically transferred from the shop to Komfortkasse (see Setup and connection to the shop).
If an additional order is to be imported (e.g. with a divergent payment codes), this can be executed via the actions Import order from shop system in the actions menu ≡. The Order number must be entered. (For store systems that work with an additional internal ID, the ID can also be specified in the format "orderid:1234")