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All information about an order is displayed in the detail view. In addition, various actions can be carried out depending on the type and status of the order.

Order data

The data of the order, such as amount, name, etc. are displayed.


The e-mail address transferred from the shop can be changed if necessary, e.g. if an e-mail address was entered with errors.

Due date/Invoice date

The date indicates the timestamp from which payment reminders/Pre-collection letters are calculated. In the case of prepayment, this is referred to as the "Due date", in the case of invoice payment as the "Invoice date". The date is transferred on from the shop (if supported by the shop). Due date is otherwise the same as the order date. Due date can be adjusted manually: for example, the payment deadline for individual orders can be changed manually. The changed Due date is taken into account when Komfortkasse sends Payment information/Pre-collection letters.

(The date does not refer to the due date according to the Payment term or the timestamp on which an invoice is overdue)

Payment term

If a Payment term has been determined for the order, it is displayed here. Example: 14 days 2% Cash discount, 30 days net. Payment terms can be determined from various sources:

  • from a specified Deviating payment terms
  • from the Cash discount specified in the settings for invoice payment (only for Payment codes invoice)
  • directly from the online shop (only available for some shop systems, add-on required, for more information contact Komfortkasse support)

Invoice number

The invoice number is displayed if an invoice number exists in the shop and has been transferred on to Komfortkasse. If an invoice has been transferred to the order, it can be downloaded by clicking on the Invoice number.

Payment status

The current status of the order is displayed. More about the order status...

If, after receiving a payment reminder, the customer has indicated that they have already executed the payments, this information is displayed. If the customer has also uploaded a proof of payment, this can be downloaded.

Order language and localization

The language of the order is transferred directly from the shop system or determined automatically. The Order language is used for sending e-mails and letters to the customer. The localization is determined from the billing address and is used, for example, for language details (Switzerland) and the correct dispatch of payment slips.

Payment reminders

This area shows when the next payment reminder will be sent, when the order will be cancelled/overdue and when it will be transferred to Debt collection (only if the respective function is active). These dates are the earliest possible dates. For various reasons, the sending of a payment reminders or Pre-collection letters can be delayed by up to a few days, e.g. if payments are still outstanding at the bank or no connection to the shop could be established.

Collection status

If the order has been transferred to a Debt collection partner, the current Collection status is displayed. The Show Collection details action in the actions menu displays further details in the Collection details dialog.


If an order is to be changed, this should be executed directly in the shop system. Komfortkasse recognizes the changes and carries out the corresponding actions (for example, if the E-mail address or amount changes, new Payment information is sent).

If the order is still open, some attributes of the order can also be changed directly in Komfortkasse. After such a change, the order is no longer synchronized with the shop system - further changes made directly in the shop system would therefore not be recognized by Komfortkasse.

The following attributes can be changed:

  • E-mail address
  • Amount (only if no Foreign amount with Exchange rate is used in the order)

The changes are only possible as long as the order is still open (in Not paid or Partially paid status).

Payment reminders

If payment reminders/pre-collection letters have been sent by Komfortkasse, these are listed here. You can see the Dunning level and the Reminder fees charged. The e-mails and/or letters sent can be opened directly by clicking on the respective symbol.


All e-mails sent for the order (to customers and merchants) are listed here. If an e-mail could not be delivered, a warning symbol is displayed. The content of the e-mail can be opened by clicking on the subject. (Only e-mails sent within the last 36 months are displayed)

The following buttons are displayed next to the subject:

  • Resend: this button can be used to resend the e-mail.
  • Send as letter: if an error has occured when sending the e-mail, the content of the e-mail can be sent to the customer as a letter.
  • Opt out: the customer is deregistered from future e-mails of this type (only available for optional notifications such as 'Payment received', not for mandatory notifications such as Payment information or Payment reminders).


All letters sent for the order are displayed here. The letters can be displayed by clicking on the subject. A button is displayed next to the subject that can be used to cancel the letter (only available as long as the letter has not yet been sent).


Depending on the type and status of the order, various actions are availablein the actions menu≡:

Re-read data

The order data is re-read from the shop system.

Send invoice via letter post

If an invoice in PDF format has been transferred from the shop system for the order, this can be sent to the customer via letter.

Send Payment information again

Payment information is resent to the customer by e-mail.

Send transfer form/payment slip/payment slip via letter

A bank transfer form/payment slip/payment slip (depending on the country) is sent to the customer by letter.

Arrange repayment

A repayment to the customer is initiated for the order. In the next step, the amount, payee, Bank details, etc. can be specified.

Transfer to Debt collection

The order can be transferred manually to the Collection Agency.

Mark as paid

The order can be marked as paid manually.

Cancel order / mark as overdue

The order can be manually cancelled (prepayment) or marked as overdue (invoice, Cash on delivery).

Deactivate Payment reminders

If no further payment reminders are to be sent for the order, these can be deactivated (dunning block).

Send payment reminders manually

A payment reminder/pre-collection letter is sent by e-mail. Payment reminders/reminders can also be sent by letter. The Dunning level of the order is increased.

Execute dunning run

The dunning run is executed automatically once a days. The dunning run can also be executed manually. If no payment reminders/pre-collection letters are pending, no actions are executed.

Additional Payment information

Additional Payment information can be specified for the order. This information is used for the automatic assignment of payments. It therefore only makes sense to specify additional payment information if the payment for the order has not yet been received (in full).

  • Additional name
    An additional name can be added if the customer indicates that another person or company is executing the payments.
  • Additional number
    An additional number, e.g. an order number, project number or a number of the customer can be specified. For example, a ticket number from a ticket system or, in the case of active debt collection, a file number of a lawyer/collection office can also be specified.

Remove personal data

This action can be used to delete personal data (e.g. name, e-mail address) in compliance with the GDPR.