All information about a refund is displayed in the detail view.
If the refund has not yet been sent to the bank, some details of the refund such as date and remittee or Bank details can be changed. To do this, click on the field to be changed and confirm the change by clicking on Save.
Planned Date
The date on which the refunds were scheduled is displayed. If the refund is a Direct debit, the refund will not be executed until the Direct debit has been processed. This may be a few days after the planned date.
Expected date of receipt
This is the date on which the refund is expected to be credited to the remittee's account. This is only a calculation. The actual date of receipt may be somewhat earlier or, in the event of delays, may be significantly later.
Refunds can have the following statuses. The technical name of the status is used in some exports or in the query via the Komfortkasse API.
Technical name: NEW
The refund has been submitted and has not yet been edited, e.g. because the planned date has not yet been reached.
Technical name: PLANNED
The refund has been submitted but is not yet being executed, e.g. because there is not enough credit available. The refunds are validated regularly. As soon as the refund can be executed, it changes to the status Submitted.
Waiting for bank details
Bank details could not be determined automatically for the refund. The system waits until the end customer (or merchant) specifies the Bank details.
Submitted (debit), Planned (debit), In process (debit submitted), In process (Direct debit executed)
A Direct debit must be executed before the refund. This is required for a refund for an Own bank account or if the available balance on an integrated account is insufficient.
In process
Technical name: IN_PROCESS
The refund has been transferred on to the bank. It is waiting to be executed by the bank.
Technical name: PROCESSED
The refund has been executed by the bank, the corresponding Bank Transfer has been carried out.
Technical name: RETURNED
The processed Bank Transfer has been returned by the bank, e.g. because the recipient account no longer exists. In this case, the customer is automatically informed and asked for new Bank details.
Technical name: ERROR
An error has occured. This can occur, for example, with some non-SEPA Bank Transfers if required data is missing or in the case of internal errors. Komfortkasse Support will manually edit the Bank Transfer and, if required, send a notification to the merchant. No actions are required from the merchant for the time being.
Technical name: CANCELLED
The refund has been canceled. The reversal was triggered manually by the merchant or Komfortkasse support, for example, or an automatic reversal was triggered, e.g. if missing Bank details could not be found.
Not managed by Komfortkasse
Technical name: LEGACY
The refund was transferred from the customer's online shop. If the shop system transfers a planned Date, this is before the timestamp on which the shop was connected to Komfortkasse. If no planned Date can be transferred (e.g. WooCommerce), refunds were sent from the shop to Komfortkasse for the first time. In both cases, there is no guarantee that the merchant actually wants to process the refunds via Komfortkasse. Therefore, to be on the safe side, the refund receives this status so that no accidental refunds are executed. If the refund is to be executed via Komfortkasse, the actions Manage in Komfortkasse must be selected.
All e-mails sent for the refund (to customers and merchants) are listed here. If an e-mail could not be delivered, a warning symbol is displayed. The content of the e-mail can be opened by clicking on the subject. (Only e-mails sent within the last 36 months are displayed)
Note: Bank transfers are not currently being processed
If the note The Bank Transfer is currently not being processed is displayed in the title bar, further processing of the Bank Transfer has been stopped manually by Komfortkasse Support. This may have been at the request of the merchant or end customer, or for technical reasons.
Depending on the status and type of refunds, various actions can be carried outin the actions menu ≡:
If the refund has not yet been sent to the bank, it can be cancelled.
Manage in Komfortkasse
This action is only available for the status Not managed by Komfortkasse (see above for explanation). If the action is selected, the refunds are released and executed.