Attention! Payment advice processing is currently only possible from at least 500 Remittance advices per month. |
Remittance advices remitted by Komfortkasse are listed. More about the function of Remittance advices...
Remittance advices can be filtered using the filter:
- Date range
- Text (the number, Customer name, subject and file name are searched)
Result area
The results of the search are displayed in the results area. The following details are displayed:
- Date received: timestamp on which Komfortkasse received the Remittance advice by e-mail
- Customer: determined name of the customer (can be empty if the name could not be determined)
- Number: Number of the Remittance advice (can be empty if the number could not be determined)
- Amount
If the Remittance advice has already been assigned to a posting, this is displayed in the "Postings" column and can be clicked on.
The assignment can be made automatically or manually in the detail view Postings.
The Remittance advice can be downloaded using the "Download PDF file" button.