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In this article, you will learn everything about using Komfortkasse with WooCommerce.

Read the article Getting started: Setting up and connecting to the shop beforehand.


Permalinks must be activated in order to use the WooCommerce API. Open the Permalinks settings in WordPress:

Make sure that "Standard" or "Simple" is not selected, otherwise the API will not work. Any other setting will work:

"custom structure" also usually works. Save the settings by clicking on Save changes or Apply changes.

Installing the plugin

Once the API has been prepared, install the Komfortkasse plugin. Select the Install button in the Plugins menu item.

Search for "Komfortkasse".

Select Install.

after the plugin has been successfully installed, select Activate this plugin.

You will receive the message Plugin activated.

This completes the installation of the plugin!

No settings can be made for the plugin. You make all settings in the Komfortkasse merchant zone!

API settings

Komfortkasse supports the payment codes Prepayment, Invoice and Cash on delivery. If you do not use all three payment codes in your shop, click on deactivate or activate for the respective payment code:

Once the desired Payment codes have been activated, click Edit settings. You can then make the settings for Payment codes and Status.

The following settings are described using prepayment as an example. The settings for invoice and Cash on delivery are similar, the differences to prepayment are described at the end. Even if you only use invoice payment in your online shop, you should read the following descriptions.

Payment method IDs

Here you can select which WooCommerce payment method should be used for "Prepayment" in Komfortkasse. The technical name of the payment method must be specified. Normally, this is the default payment method "bacs" in WooCommerce:

Several payment methods can also be specified comma-separated, e.g. "bacs,cheque".

Status ID for Open orders

Here you can select which orders Komfortkasse considers to be "open" and expects a payment for. The technical name must be specified for all status settings.

Several status IDs can also be entered separated by commas, e.g. "on-hold,processing".

Status ID for partially paid and paid orders

Orders that have received a full payment or a partial payment are set to this status. In the case of a full payment, this is usually the status "processing" for prepayment:

Partial payments are not mapped by WooCommerce with a separate status by default, so this field is empty by default and should only be used if a separate custom status has been created in WooCommerce.

(For paid orders, several status IDs can also be specified comma-separated, e.g. "processing,completed". In this case, the first specified status is always transferred on to the shop. The other statuses are also interpreted as "paid" if they are returned by the shop. This is useful, for example, for adjustments that immediately change the status transferred from Komfortkasse to another status)

If invoices from Germanized are used, these are also set to paid or partially paid.

Status ID for canceled and refunded orders

If an order is cancelled in Komfortkasse (e.g. because no payments have been received over a long period), this status is set in WooCommerce ("canceled" by default). If a refund is processed for an order in Komfortkasse, this status can be set in WooCommerce (by default "refunded").

Payment methods for monitoring

If the monitoring of other payment codes is used (optional), the payment codes to be monitored are specified here:

Settings for invoice payment

The same settings are available for invoice payment as for prepayment, with one difference: If no payment is received for an order, it is not cancelled but marked as overdue. This is technically the same process, but in practice it usually triggers other follow-up processes: While a prepayment order without payment can simply be cancelled, an overdue order with invoice payment usually has to be reprocessed manually or passed on to Debt collection, for example.

Settings for Cash on delivery

The same settings are available for Last name as for invoice.

Further settings

  • Ignore Delivery address
    If yes, the delivery address from WooCommerce is not transferred on to Komfortkasse (only the billing address)
  • API version
    The API version of WooCommerce used (e.g. "v4"). Is determined automatically and normally does not need to be changed. If a specific version must be used for technical reasons, contact Komfortkasse support to fix the version.
  • Consider invoices from Germanized
    If the "Germanized" plugin is used, this option can be used to read invoices from Germanized and set them to paid or partially paid. Requires at least API version v3.

Connecting the connection

If all settings for the API are fully specified, the shop can be connected to Komfortkasse. To do this, select the actions menu ≡ Connect action.

When the connection is established, a redirect to your WooCommerce shop is automatically executed and the required credentials (API Key, API Secret) are automatically exchanged. You will need the credentials for the WooCommerce shop.

If the connection was not automatically connected after the initial redirect to WooCommerce, but the keys were exchanged, select the actions menu ≡ Establish connection again .


You can create refunds in WooCommerce and have them executed fully automatically by Komfortkasse.


  • active Direct debit mandate
  • WooCommerce version 2.6 or higher

In the Komfortkasse merchant area, the creation of refunds from the shop system must be activated in the General settings:

So here you only have to select in shop system or in shop system and merchant area.

In addition, activate the Refunds option for each desired shop under Settings for API access :

Entering a refund

Open the order in WooCommerce and select Refunds:

Enter the desired refund amount and select Refund manually.

The next time the orders are processed (at least once per days), the refund is transferred on to Komfortkasse and executed. If the refund cannot be executed, an error message will be sent by e-mail.

Activate prepayment in WooCommerce

To be able to use Komfortkasse, you must activate prepayment (or invoice payment, or Cash on delivery) in WooCommerce. If you already offer the desired payment codes in your shop, you can skip this step. If you are installing WooCommerce for the first time, prepayment is usually already activated by default.

Log in to the WordPress dashboard and open WooCommerce - Settings - Payments.

If you want to use prepayment, activate Direct bank transfer. For invoice payments, activate Cheque payments, for Cash on delivery, activate Cash on delivery.

Select Manage. If the payment information is sent to your customers by Komfortkasse, make sure that no account details are specified under Account details. Delete the specified account details if necessary.

Under Description and instructions , you can specify texts to inform your customers that the Payment information will be sent by e-mail:

The selected Payment codes are now active.

WMPL / WooCommerce Multilingual

Komfortkasse supports multilingual WooCommerce shops with WPML. To do this, the API version Legacy_v3 must be specified in the Komfortkasse merchant area.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team!

Notes for old WooCommerce versions

For WooCommerce versions 2.4 or older, additional manual steps must be executed. If you are using WooCommerce 2.5 or newer, these steps do not need to be executed.

WooCommerce 2.4 or older: Activate API

Open the WooCommerce settings. Make sure that the Enable REST API checkbox is active. If you are using WooCommerce version 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3, you will find the checkbox in the General tab :

If you are using WooCommerce version 2.4 or higher, you will find the checkbox in the API tab :


WooCommerce 2.3 or older: create API Key

If you are using WooCommerce version 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3, you must create an API key.

To do this, open your user profile:

Note for experienced users: you can also create your own user account for API access. The user must be an administrator.

Activate the Create API key checkbox at the bottom of the page and click Update profile. If an end user key and end user security (Secret) are already specified here, skip this step. Do not activate the Discard API key checkbox!

Scroll to the bottom of the pages again. The API key is now displayed. Copy the end user key and end user security (Secret) and enter them in your Komfortkasse merchant access. Change the permissions to Read/Write and click on Update profile.

Then specify the API Key and API Secret in the Komfortkasse merchant area under"Settings for API access.