Komfortkasse can send e-mails, such as Payment information or Payment reminders, directly to end customers.
Which e-mails are sent by Komfortkasse is specified in the notifications.
The sender address and name, Header image and language can be changed for each shop.
The layout of the e-mail (such as colors and font) can be adjusted under Colors and Styles.
View e-mail that has been sent
If e-mails have been sent for an order, these can be viewed in the "E-mails" section in the order detail view. If an error has occurred during dispatch, this is displayed in the e-mail.
Errors when sending e-mails
Errors can occur when sending an e-mail, which means that the e-mail cannot be sent or delivered.
Errors when sending an e-mail
If an E-mail address contains invalid characters, for example, the E-mail cannot be sent. An error also occurs if the domain (the part after the @ character) does not exist or no e-mails can be sent to the server.
Error when remitting an e-mail
If an e-mail has been successfully sent by Komfortkasse, errors can still occur when the e-mail is remitted. For example, the remittee's mailbox may be full. In this case, an Error message: is usually sent from the remittee's server to Komfortkasse. This error message is also displayed in the Komfortkasse merchant area.
If the e-mail address is incorrect but the server does not send an error message, Komfortkasse cannot detect an error. This can be the case, for example, if an incorrect e-mail domain has been entered (e.g. "@htmail.com" instead of "@hotmail.com"), but the domain exists and also accepts e-mails. If the "htmail.com" server does not send an Error message: or if the E-mail address is possibly even valid, no error can be detected.
We have taken various technical measures to ensure that e-mails from Komfortkasse are not recognized as spam.
However, it may also be due to the content of the e-mail that an e-mail is recognized as spam. As a merchant, you can test this, for example, with the free online service mail-tester: Send a test e-mail (under Notifications - View e-mails - Send test e-mail) to the e-mail address displayed on mail-tester.com.
If a remittee marks an e-mail from Komfortkasse as spam, this may result in the remittee being permanently blocked from receiving Komfortkasse e-mails. If this is the case, no further e-mails will be delivered to this address and an error will be displayed instead.
End customers have the option to unsubscribe from some optional notifications, e.g. the notification to confirm that a payment has been received or that a refund has been executed.
Important notifications such as Payment information, Payment reminders, Pre-collection letters etc. cannot be unsubscribed by the end customer.
Technical information (SPF, DKIM, DMARC)
Komfortkasse sends e-mails via Komfortkasse's own servers. However, the e-mails are sent under the name and e-mail address of the merchant or shop. For this to work, DNS settings (SPF and DKIM) must be made once at the merchant.
This is only possible if a domain of the merchant (e.g. @mein-shop.de) is used as the sender address. This is not possible for general addresses (e.g. @gmail.com). It is therefore not recommended to use such addresses as the sender address.
The necessary settings for SPF and DKIM can be found here:
We also recommend the use of DMARC to increase the delivery rate. No settings specific to Komfortkasse are required for DMARC. It is sufficient if a valid DMARC record is present for the domain. The DMARC entry must be created by the hosting provider; this can usually be done via a web interface. You can receive more information on this directly from the hosting provider of your online shop.
If the settings are not made, a general Komfortkasse e-mail address will be used as the sender address. In this case, the e-mail address of the shop is also sent as the reply-to address. A corresponding warning is then displayed in the Komfortkasse merchant area.